Governing Party  
Principles and Policies:  
(Election ‘platform’  
I will not rest, until the righteousness  
thereof go forth as brightness and the  
salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth.  
And the gentiles shall see thy  
righteousness, and all kings thy glory: and  
thou shalt be called by a new name.  
These principles and policies are in no way to limit the function of the Body of Christ: the work of 
the Lord Jesus Christ (through Jesus’ Governing Party): the manifestation of God with us, individually, 
or collectively.  

the application of these policies and principles will demonstrate Christ in us.]  


Principle: The spirit in which these policies will seek to be applied will acknowledge an essential  
presence of the principle of the incarnation of Jesus (in government).  
Policy: Support of the democratic processes: liberty’s presence, manifested in true love.  
Develop policies that enhance and encourage practical application of all principles (in spirit and  
in truth).  




Principle: The ultimate enemy will be acknowledged to be Satan.  
Thus, the assurance of alliance with the ultimate victor of Satan  
(Jesus) will be necessarily dominant. The knowing of the truth  
about the enemy (and those that are his) will be given high  
priority. There will need to be incorporation of the principle that  
we wrestle not against flesh and blood and the weapons of our  
warfare are not carnal, yet with God, no man can touch us save  
he allows: to be in harmony with his pleasure re our lives (in  
communal sense). Making sure we are truly salt in our world  
(prevent rot and decay and are tasty!). Not fearing man! Trusting  
God (yet not testing!).  
Policy: Support anti-threats, invasive and, or insurgent activities  
from a preventative as opposed to reactionary stance, by  
(supporting the manifestation of the Prince of Peace (Jesus) in  
all such contexts {particularly}, and by):  
Becoming involved in support of inter-faith dialogue and  
reconciliation endeavours, by:  
a. Utilizing awareness’ of inter-faith conflicts to  
support all endeavours to resolve such  
conflicts in accordance with these principles  
and Jesus’ Governing Party Principles  
specifically (see commitments (while not  
neglecting the fullness of the spirit and truth  
of all scripture’s application, as intended).  
b. Acknowledging the reality that in fact, the  
real enemy is wrong teaching and  
endeavouring to counter that.  
Support student, academic and research involvements in  
activities in areas of need and conflict around the world.  
The development of the encouragement of people and  
communities to accept responsibilities as peace-makers:  
in the context of being conscious of the works of God  
and of Satan in each situation: encouraging their  
supporting all good works and resisting Satan’s  
destructive endeavours in all areas.  
Supporting studies of religious developments and  
activities globally: relating the results of such studies to  
their impact on the sphere of governmental  
responsibility in which Jesus’ Governing Party is  
accountable specifically.  
To create a military that incarnates the Almighty’s  
qualities as far as possible (including those of love  
{charity}, faith and hope, etc):  
That fulfills his word, in his spirit,  
b. That resists Satan's spirit's  


Principle: The acknowledgement of God as our healer will be  
foundational. Such acknowledgement will incorporate: Endeavours to examine, deal with: the causes of ill-health  
as opposed to symptoms only, The impacts of all our past errors in general and  
specifically, their effect(s) on our health. The need to fully incorporate compassion in all processes. The need to assist not only ‘ill’ persons, but the ‘well’ to see  
the totality of all our responsibilities, individually and  
Policy: Encourage individual and communal life-style changes  
that blend with scriptural injunctions regarding health, in spirit  
and in truth. This will encourage due respect and care of ones  
individual body and may incorporate publicity that encourages  
individual and communal: Development of life-styles that enhance peaceful enjoyment  
(with gratitude to God), of all we’re been given Discontinuation of habit developments that injure health  
such as excessive smoking, drinking, exercise, etc. The commitment of that health we have, to good purposes. The assistance of all bereft of health, by grace, as far as  


Principle: Families will be acknowledged as of divine  
appointment and as such, communal government will not  
intervene in family government. However, it will be expected  
that family activities will not undermine communal or other God- 
ordained functions.  
Policy: There will be no specific family related legislation to  
oversee government of families. Individuals (in families or  
outside them) will be expected to submit to communal  
obligations as herein recorded. Policies will not be developed  
that undermine the good (Christ-like) government of families, in  
1. Policies will generally and specifically be however:  
A. Supportive of Christ-like family government;  
B. Resistance of non-Christ-like family government.  


Principle: The love of money, being the root of all evil, will be  
severed from economic influence in the support of accounting  
processes. Correct relationship with money will be established  
by: Assistance of those businesses indicating they find it  
problematic, or by: Judicial intervention if incapable of following re- 
educational assistance; Allowing for special conditions for those demonstrating  
zealous acquiescence to such values; Incorporation of this attitude/spirit of economic interrelationships  
in the educational system.  
Policy: There will be complete liberty here as elsewhere, within  
the context of application of laws against misrepresentation,  
thievery and violence in commerce, as will occur in all realms,  
with equitable enforcement mechanisms.  


Principle: Relationship, with open communication, with the God  
of all knowledge, will given dominion. This will be supportive of  
the ministering of such insights into the formal education arena.  
Policy: The principles herein espoused will be taught freely, with  
allowance for discussion and patience (with suffering).  
Shepherding, in merciful charity: to be encouraged in schools.  


Principle: This will be provided in the context of Jesus’ life- 
example of giving to and supporting the poor, while not  
neglecting God’s plan of salvation in all area’s of life that needed  
higher priority at times.  
Policy: While acknowledging all have erred from their life’s  
potential(s), give emphasis to the theme of those who are strong,  
using their strength as far as God enables, to assist those  
weakened and consequently suffering while not yet enabled to  
free themselves form this world’s impacts on their lives.  


Principle: This will not neglect the foundation principle of love  
that oversees the law in spirit and truth (the incorporation of the  
life of Jesus into law's application).  
Policy: Justice with equity, fullness of expression of forgiveness  
and compassion, in the context of love (charity in spirit and in  
truth), for all everywhere; in all areas of legal processes (in the  
administration of the adjudication of dispute-resolution  

The Environment

Principle: This will acknowledge the original gifts and directions  
of God to humanity; man’s horrific failures due to not trusting  
God's guidance and the need for this relationship to be reestablished  
(and to become the guiding principle, as opposed to  
any perceived expressions from nature itself (the original falling’)). That is, to fulfill the original call to our first ancestors:  
to: “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue  
it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl  
of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth eating… every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of  
the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding  
seed … , and for the animals, fowls of the air and creeping thing  
to eat… , every herb. But of the tree of the knowledge of good  
and evil, … not to eat.” And in fact to be restored to the tree of  
life (through Jesus)!  
Fulfil requirements of principles, by:  
Supporting development of beneficial production,  
Encouraging increasing population,  
Develop replenishment activities that enable re-growth  
and soil enrichment and related activities that replenish  
what may be taken from the earth.  
(Moving at God's speed toward: the governing of the fish of the  
sea and fowl of air and over every living thing that moves upon  
the earth, directing and overseeing their eating of every herb and  
in such away, so as to fulfil needs of other command's  
fulfilment, eating every herb bearing seed, which is upon the  
face of the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree  
yielding seed, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,  
not to eat. And being restored to the tree of life: through  
following Jesus!  


Principle: This will be limited only by due respect to the Law (of  
love) and remembrance of man’s continual historic rebellions  
against God’s co-working relationship's desires. It will not  
negate any principles here espoused, especially Ecology’s  
Policy: To actively encourage all endeavours blending with God's  
principles, while resisting all endeavours (however subtly), to  
annul these. That is, the creative development of all intellectual  
pursuits of assistance to the principles of government as  
demonstrated by the life of Jesus will be encouraged, while all  
endeavours that present as science but in fact only of  
philosophical bias in opposition to these precepts, will be  
resisted, discouraged and governed with due patience, charity  
and care (to avoid subtle destruction of God’s plan of salvation  
for all).  


Principle: There will be perfect liberty to accept or reject God  
within the context of full expression of consequences: while  
acknowledging that in fact religion in truth is the expression of  
that charity that visits widows and cares for fatherless (gives  
Policy: Encourage true religion, discourage all other.  
Demonstrate God’s patience while we all come to repentance.  
Support and work cooperatively with all religious institutions to  
the degree they are truly religious; in the fear of God,  
remembering always the errors of Israel and avoiding them  
(through faith (with due works), by grace).  
The facilitating of the developing of a global knowledge of God,  
as revealed through Jesus, by all. In essence, binding Satan in  
our world, while moving closer to the only demonstrable victor re  
Satan: Jesus. Eventually moving into a realm where another  
gospel (another Jesus) is not preached, but Jesus himself reigns.  
While acknowledging the good God has utilised in religious  
institutions (and using that) and at his speed, leaving them  
behind until his Kingdom’s perfected. (And going on to minister  
to all others, to the degree they have even become idolized  
themselves: The Coptic’s, Orthodox, the Church of Jesus Christ  
of Latter Day Saints, Jehovah Witnesses, Catholicism, Seventh  
Day Adventism, the Salvation Army, Pentecostalism,  
Anglicanism, Lutheranism, the Uniting Church, the Churches of  
Christ, the Baptists and Presbyterianism (and all in-between, etc.  
(while not negating the work of saints in and through them: past,  
present and future, without which, JESUS’ Helpers’ Office and  
Jesus' Governing Party themselves, wouldn’t have now  
eventuated, yet needing to emphasize the main mission, Jesus’  
kingdom, as opposed to any denominational or subsidiary  
mission (taking dominion) and reminding even those of JESUS’  
Helpers’ Office that the main mission (Jesus’ dominion) is the  
main mission, must so be! That is, to the degree any institution  
is an obstacle to God’s kingdom unspotted by the world, it must  
not be acquiesced toward at all.)).) There is not a limitation, pre-eminence  
or protection of one’s religious background (religion or  
denomination of choice), work (one’s religious or denominational  
income) or insights (current teaching(s)), above the oversight,  
directions(s) and covering of the spirit of GOD, with the  
accompanying reliance on his protection, provision and  


Principle: This will be set at an equitable rate for all persons:  
one that is not oppressive, but acknowledges the services of a  
community that enhance income creation.  
In grace and mercy, setting taxation requirements that are  
reasonable: in their expectations on all.  

Law Enforcement

Principle: This will incorporate justice with mercy and  
forgiveness: while emphasising equity in truth. In summary, it  
will be the application of the law in the spirit of the fullness of  
the intention our father meant that law to have.  
Policy: Within the context of the law as it is developed by the  
Party, to fulfill the requirements of the law in the spirit and truth  
of the intention of the law, as indicated herein.  


Principle: This will be based on a willingness to accept the  
principles of life as endeavoured to be expressed here, but  
expounded more fully in scripture (both Old and New  
Testaments), in the spirit it intends (without violent assertion  
against others, in hatred, void of justice and mercy; trusting in  
the utilisation of force, as opposed to the God of all might); as  
Jesus would.  
Policy: To demonstrate the fullness of God’s love to all humanity,  
while resisting obstruction of the application of the policies and  
principles herein presented through those ignorant of same as  
yet in their own lives, through allowing residential status,  

Foreign Policy

Principle: This will be based on the espoused and demonstrated  
commitment of other governments to the principles espoused  
(and hopefully demonstrated) here.  
Policy: Complete unity to degree of complete unity of faith and  
complete separation to degree of separation.  
And any other areas: as indicated, through Jesus' life in us in  
our world. (This exposition is an attempt to summarise the life of  
Christ as exhibited in government and needs adaptation to every  
developing matter, in his spirit. These letters are not an end, but  
an attempt to assist to an end: the life of Christ in us: in our  
world (of politics! (in all areas of life!)).)  
Part of Jesus' Helpers' Office 

You can contact Jesus’ Helpers’ Office (in Sydney, Australia) on:

Phone: 0416 1855 08.


Post: C/- Jesus' Helpers' Office, GPO Box 783 Sydney 2001.




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U Tube videos:

キ                                      GOD'S Beautiful Family English School:

キ                                      Jesus' Advocacy International:

キ                                      Jesus' Governing Party:

キ                                      Jesus' Helpers' Office introduction:


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